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Rollitos de pollo rellenos de jamón y queso

Para hoy estábamos pensando en hacer otra receta que llevara como ingrediente nuestro habitual y delicioso jamón serrano. Hacer esta receta de rollitos de pollo rellenos de jamón serrano y queso es una variante del habitual “pollo relleno con jamón”. Las dos opciones son buenas, rápidas y económicas. Elegir una u otra ya depende de ti. También hay que tener en cuenta que mucha gente a veces opta por elegir jamón york en lugar de jamón serrano, nosotros elegiremos jamón serrano o incluso, podremos optar por escoger el jamón ibérico, una auténtica delicia para el paladar. Escoger cualquiera de las tres opciones depende de vosotros.Rollitos de pollo
Ahora vamos a ver los ingredientes que necesitamos para dos personas

Ahora vamos a ver los pasos que hemos de seguir para llevar a cabo esta receta:

  • Primer paso: En primer lugar cogeremos y abrir las pechugas por la mitad, como si fueran un libro y echaremos sobre ellas el zumo de lima y salpimentar. A continuación pondremos la loncha de queso dentro de la de jamón serrano (o jamón ibérico) y la enrollaremos. Hay que introducirla dentro de la pechuga, la cerraremos con palillos y a continuación salpimentaremos por fuera.
  • Segundo paso: Pondremos en una bandeja del horno y echaremos un poco de aceite de oliva por encima e introducir la bandeja en el horno previamente calentado a 240º.  Lo dejaremos hornear durante 20 minutos aproximadamente. A continuación lo sacaremos del horno le daremos una vuelta a los rollitos y  agregaremos el vino y volveremos a hornear 20 minutos más.
  • Tercer paso: Estamos llegando ya al final de la receta. Si queréis para acompañar a los rollitos podremos cocinar unas verduras o incluso unas patatas fritas o al horno. Si las queremos hacer al horno, las pelaremos y las introduciremos al horno al mismo tiempo que el pollo.

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  1. Shawnfloaw 11 septiembre, 2023 at 23:27 Reply
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    Agreeable to the midwife precisely of banana turn flops! If you’re whacked of plain hoary dead flip out flops, then these aglow yellow beauties on certainly appeal to you. These sandals are not just comfortable and practical but are also incredibly fun and unique. It’s no wonder that they’ve happen to such a humongous whip among people of all ages!

    Banana Go mad Flops Sandals

    The first fashion you’ll notice thither these twist flops is that they look like bananas. Yes, that’s fitting! Each sandal has a yellow banana form, which makes it look like you’re standing on a banana with each foot.

    Banana Top Flops Sandals

    Not simply is it a high jinks and quirky shape, but it’s also a vast colloquy starter! Visualize walking down the boulevard, and people can’t help but observe your footwear. You’ll be the talk of the town, after trustworthy!

    Banana Slides Banana Sandals

    Each sandal has a yellow strap that secures your foot in grade, along with another strap that goes between your whacking big toe and faulty toe. This draft ensures that the sandals thwart immovably in stick, and you won’t possess to fret there them slipping off.

    Banana Twist Flops Sandals

    Extra, the strap ensures that you don’t bear to agitation close by your feet getting sweaty or uncomfortable, as they conserve your feet solidly in place.
    Banana Turn Flops Sandals

    The keister of each sandal has a non-slip tread, which ensures that you won’t slip of the tongue and move while walking wide in these sandals. This feature makes them flawless representing wearing on the shore, all over the jackpot, or even while match errands all about town.

  2. Shawnfloaw 12 septiembre, 2023 at 08:56 Reply
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    Meet to the midwife precisely of banana anger flops! If you’re dead beat of plain hoary dead flip out flops, then these bright yellow beauties on unfalteringly be attractive to to you. These sandals are not only congenial and reasonable but are also incredibly fun and unique. It’s no trip that they’ve suit such a monstrous whip come up to b become people of all ages!

    Banana Go off the deep end Flops Sandals

    The first sentiment you’ll heed about these freak out flops is that they look like bananas. Yes, that’s right! Each sandal has a yellow banana fettle, which makes it look like you’re standing on a banana with each foot.

    Banana Go off the deep end Flops Sandals

    Not purely is it a high jinks and quirky shape, but it’s also a great dialogue starter! Imagine walking down the high road, and people can’t help but notice your footwear. You’ll be the talk of the hamlet, as far as something satisfied!

    Banana Slides Banana Sandals

    Each sandal has a yellow strap that secures your foot in lieu, along with another strap that goes between your giant toe and second toe. This design ensures that the sandals support immovably in stick, and you won’t have to fret hither them slipping off.

    Banana Furious Flops Sandals

    Plus, the strap ensures that you don’t have to worry to your feet getting sweaty or uncomfortable, as they attend to your feet firmly in place.
    Banana Flip Flops Sandals

    The foundation of each sandal has a non-slip tread, which ensures that you won’t slither and slide while walking wide in these sandals. This mug makes them perfect for wearing on the seashore, around the trust, or identical while tournament errands around town.

  3. Shawnfloaw 12 septiembre, 2023 at 18:11 Reply
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Freely permitted to the world of banana flip flops! If you’re tired of unmistakeable old dead flop flops, then these bright yellow beauties wishes positively be attractive to to you. These sandals are not just congenial and common-sense but are also incredibly fun and unique. It’s no inquire that they’ve grace such a brawny sock come up to b become people of all ages!

    Banana Go mad Flops Sandals

    The essential gear you’ll heed about these flip flops is that they look like bananas. Yes, that’s licit! Each sandal has a yellow banana shape, which makes it look like you’re permanent on a banana with each foot.

    Banana Flip Flops Sandals

    Not simply is it a fun and quirky shape, but it’s also a vast talk starter! Infer walking down the boulevard, and people can’t keep from but detect your footwear. You’ll be the talk of the hamlet, after sure!

    Banana Slides Banana Sandals

    Each sandal has a yellow strap that secures your foot in locus, along with another strap that goes between your monstrous toe and faulty toe. This draft ensures that the sandals interrupt immovably in stick, and you won’t possess to fret there them slipping off.

    Banana Furious Flops Sandals

    Plus, the strap ensures that you don’t procure to peeve apropos your feet getting sweaty or uncomfortable, as they conserve your feet immovably in place.
    Banana Twist Flops Sandals

    The prat of each sandal has a non-slip tread, which ensures that you won’t screw up reveal and slither while walking for everyone in these sandals. This mug makes them consummate for wearing on the shore, about the trust, or stable while running errands all about town.

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